
The Story

A cool breeze touches your skin, startling you, for it'd been warm only moments before. Looking up you notice that the breeze doesn't seem to touch any of the nearby trees. You raise one eyebrow and turn, something blue glimmers in the distance. As it seems to pulsate, becoming brighter, another gust of cold air hits you. Instinct tells you you should turn back but curiosity and desire to know drives you forward, toward the light.

As you grow closer you notice that snow seems to be accompanying the cold air. You stoop down and touch the snow, shivering as you do. A light smile touches your lips and the desire to make snow angels, snow men, and snow forts comes to mind. Instinct now drowned by ideas of such fun and curiosity, you look straight into the blue glimmering light. Tendrils of what seems to be blue fog come out of the portal, twisting around you and gently tugging you forward.

You hesitate. Glancing behind you in the direction you'd come from. You ponder the fact that you're not dressed for snow, that you need to feed your cat, or perhaps that you just aren't so sure about this odd fog. Too little to late, though, as you are pulled through the portal.

You blink, trying to get your eyes to adjust quickly to the dark that now surrounds you. You reach your hands out, trying to find anything that might help you around, but in the process manage to trip over something...Something rather squishy.

"I knew you were coming. Sometimes I wish the spirits were a little more exact on how and when though...None of them mentioned your tripping over me." a calm and warm female voice touches your ears and then a moment later a soft light eluminates your surroundings.

You gasp as at the beautiful lion-like creature before you, your eyes slowly shifting from her to take in your surroundings. You seem to sit in the middle of some great hollow. All you can see is the bark of trees, though they all seem to twist together above you. You don't, however, see anyone in the clearing aside from the beautiful lion-like creature.


You jump as you turn your attention back toward her, but she sits in the same place she had been before. A small smile creeps onto her lips, revealing some rather sharp teeth for a moment. "Humans from earth are rather funny after all." she says, though she stays where she is...

All about the Siana adoptable!